Stakeholder Forum: A History of Envolvement
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future is an international multi-stakeholder organisation working on sustainable development. Our involvement in UN conferences and Summits on environment and sustainable development dates back to the organisation’s inception in 1987, as the first National Committee in the UK for the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP.
In 1992, our involvement in the Rio Earth Summit established the organisation as an important player in the field of international sustainable development. After the Earth Summit, we disseminated Agenda 21 amongst policy-makers, local governments, think-tanks, NGOs, schools and all kinds of community-based organisations.
Towards the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002, Stakeholder Forum facilitated multi-stakeholder discussions between governments, intergovernmental organisations and stakeholders and co-ordinated a series of workshops and conferences that built momentum for the Summit, preparing stakeholders for meaningful engagement.It also hosted a major ‘Implementation Conference’ at which a number of multi-stakeholder partnerships for implementation were established. Stakeholder Forum set up and managed the most widely visited site hosting information and updates about the Summit – During the Summit the website received over 1 million hits every day.
Stakeholder Forum played a critical role in advocating for an Earth Summit in 2012, which was endorsed in December 2009 by General Assembly Resolution. In the run-up to Earth Summit 2012, Stakeholder Forum will be co-ordinating a diversity of activities; this website is part of Stakeholder Forum’s outreach and engagement work to encourage people to get involved, but it will also be delivering projects relating to the substantive themes of the Summit. These projects are featured throughout the site, particularly in the THEMES section.
Stakeholder Forum believes that Rio+20 should revive the spirit of previous summits. The Earth Summit offers the opportunity to to harness a collective vision for sustainable development, to foster cooperation around how this can be globally governed and pave the way for the transformation of our economies and societies to support the environment in which we live.