Monthly Archive: September 2011
Sustainable development, if implemented, is capable of meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Progress has been made in this regard since the UN...
Henk Manschot, a Professor of Ethics and Sustainable Development at the Kosmopolis Institute in the Netherlands, shocked a global gathering at a conference in the Hague late last year when he revealed how `global...
The last century’s remarkable growth was fuelled by innovation and the use of natural resources, but that era of plentiful and cheap resources is coming to a close. This means we have to make...
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Achim Steiner has called for action to reduce short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs), through regional air quality agreements or placing the issue on the agenda for Rio+20.
The Permanent Missions of Belgium and Tanzania to the UN co-hosted an informal discussion on the institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD), with a focus on economic aspects. IFSD is one of the two...
The Ramsar Convention Secretariat has released a summary of the 14th Meeting of the Pacific Islands Nature Conservation Roundtable, which was convened by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), under the...
The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) has presented its initial policy thinking for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20). The GEC is a grouping of NGOs, research institutes, UN organizations and trade...
On September 20, eight governments will gather in New York to launch the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a new multilateral initiative to strengthen transparency, citizen participation, accountability, and share new technologies and innovation. The...
Stakeholder Forum has today released a synthesis document from the UN/DPI workshop ‘Towards Bonn 2011 Conference: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for the Green Economy’, which formed part of the...
The UNCSD 2012 (Rio+20) must include agreements on food and agriculture that 1. ensure agriculture’s primary purpose is to nourish all people and communities both today and in the future with healthy, diverse and...