Monthly Archive: January 2011
Information Note: Success at Rio+20?
The World Resources Institute and The Access Initiative have produced an Information note on Rio+20 entitled “Success at Rio+20? The case for regional conventions on environmental access rights”.
Information and Resources
Sustainable development governance is a complex issue, and its prominence on the agenda for Rio+20 represents a milestone in a historic and evolving process to make institutions and governance structures at all levels fit...
Submissions Based on the think-pieces and the discussions undertaken through the sdg2012 network, Stakeholder Forum has made submissions to the preparatory process for Rio+20, as well as external processes such as the UNEP Consultative...
Report: Bringing the Ocean back into the Earth Summit
The Pew Environment Group produced a briefing paper ahead of the First Intersessional Meeting of UNCSD (Rio+20), in which it made key recommendations aimed to ensure that ocean related issues remain at the centre...
University of Geneva/UNEP GEPP Policy Dialogue on Environmental Governance
The University of Geneva and the United Nations Environment Program will be hosting a series of policy dialogues under the auspices of its joint Global Environmental Policy Programme (GEPP).The first policy dialogue will take...
Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) calls for ENGO delegates to participate in UNCSD Rio +20 Earth Summit Civil Society Consultation Workshops
The RCEN has been invited by Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) and Stakeholder Forum to host a number of civil society consultation workshops from March to December 2011.
UNCSD Newsletter – Rio 20: Making it Happen
Volume 2, Issue 1 of the UNCSD’s bi-weekly newsletter was released on Monday 7th January. The newsletter, prepared by the UNCSD Secretariat with input from a wide range of stakeholders, contains information on recent...