Accreditation and Registration to Rio+20
Not accreditated yet? Accreditation will close 20 February 2012 !!!
NGOs and other Major groups’ organisations that are NOT yet accredited to the United Nations and wish to participate in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Conference (Rio+20) will be offered a one time opportunity to become accredited to Rio+20.
SD-Learning – Deadline for submissions is 28 February 2012!!!!
If you would like to submit a proposal for a course, please visit the SD-Learning website at
Side Events at Rio+20 – Deadline is 30 March 2012!!!
For criteria and guidelines for organizers of on-site events in Rio+20 and online request form, please go to the following web-page:
Pre-registration of accredited groups – Deadline is 20 May 2012 !!!!
Preregistration is open to:
– NGOs and major groups that are currently in consultative status with ECOSOC as NGOs (including those on the roster through the list of the Commission on Sustainable Development)
– NGOs and major groups that were accredited to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002
More information on Accreditation and Registration to Rio+20 here: