Business Action for Sustainable Development: Partnership meeting update
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart chaired a meeting in Paris on the 14th of June, attended by BASD 2012 Conveners and Partners. This was the first full BASD meeting in advance of Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development.
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart is the Chairman of BASD 2002 and a member of the BASD 2012 Steering Committee. The group’s expectations for Rio+20, and for the BASD coalition were discussed and Ms. Elizabeth Thompson, United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Executive Coordinator for Rio+20, discussed the role of business, and specifically BASD, in the Rio+20 process.
As a result of this, three core working groups have been formed to address policy issues, communications, and UN engagement respectively. These groups will begin work in July, working toward the 1st November deadline for formal major group input to the UNCSD process.