Category: Publications and Resources
This section provides links to the key publications, statements and resolutions relating to Earth Summit 2012.
UN General Assembly Resolution
- Letter from US stakeholders to Obama
- Preparing for Earth Summit Papers
- Brazil submission to Secretary General’s Report
- EU Submission to SG’s Report
- France Brazil joint statement supporting Earth Summit 2012
- Non-Paper from New York Dinner Feb 2009
- Donostia Declaration
- Original G77 Resolution 2008
Stakeholder Forum has produced an analysis of existing targets from global processes on sustainable development, in an effort to highlight the range of commitments that governments are obliged to achieve, and thereby enhance accountability...
Stakeholder Forum in partnership with the Earth Charter and Bioregional has produced an analysis of a range of existing principles for sustainable development. Based on the analysis a number of principles have been identified...
In a report published on 20 September 2010, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) underlines how shifting to a green economy can support progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Sustainable development has long been recognised as a global problem requiring global solutions – to deliver these global solutions, international institutions and mechanisms are required to facilitate cooperation and assist in the implementation of...
The Green Economy has been identified as one of the key issues to be addressed by the Summit, in the UN General Assembly resolution that approved the Summit on 24th December 2009. The green...