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“”One of the fundamental prerequisites for the achievement of sustainable development is broad public participation in decision-making” Agenda 21 Chapter 23 Rio ’92 recognised the need to engage a diverse range of stakeholders from...
Earth Summit 2012 will be the fourth Summit of its kind, and represents another milestone in ongoing international efforts to accelerate progress towards achieving sustainable development globally. Here you will find an overview...
Media items relating to this initiative: Jan Pronk on Rio +20 {denvideo} Maurice Strong, thoughts on Rio +20 {denvideo} The Impossible Hamster {denvideo} The Girl who Silenced the World for 5...
Information about the activities linked to the initiative. Phasellus tempus dolor vel dolor elementum vel vulputate quam hendrerit. Donec varius urna sed arcu ultricies bibendum. Aenean id augue at nisi pulvinar convallis. Nulla ultricies...