Category: Useful Resources
The UN Division for Sustainable Development (DSD), a division of the UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UNDESA) has produced a study on the review of the implementation of two of the major...
This is a summary of the main findings “Sustainable Development in the 21st Century” (SD21) project. It draws on a series of studies that were prepared under a United Nations project, co-funded by the...
Now available: The Rio+20 “Future We Want” Outcome Document that was delivered to more than 100 heads of state and government.
This diary of events was compiled by Stakeholder Forum. The information was principally sourced from the official Rio+20 website ( but also from various other initiative specific websites. Please send us details of your...
To download a roadmap of events leading up to the Summit click here.
Rio+20 logistics View more presentations from Stakeholder_Forum.
This document contains explanations of the most commonly reference terms/concepts of the zero-draft compilation document. To download the document click here.
Stakeholder Forum has undertaken an analysis of the submissions to the UN. This analysis identifies the insights to be found in the Zero Draft submission documents by creating a database of 97 key terms...