global-rockstar: Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest



grs_logo2Global Rockstar presents the Global Youth Music Contest (GYMC) organized by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) by embedding video links from YouTube and Vimeo of musical performances of those that enter the competitions for the Global Youth Music Contest.

The winners of the Global Youth Music Contest will travel to and perform at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (The Rio+20 Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 20 to 22 June 2012. Costs associated with the participation (travel, accommodation) at the Rio+20 Earth Summit will be covered by the IAAI

Over 300 submissions coming from all regions of the world have been received by the deadline on March 18th. They come from Kenya, China, Trinidad and Tobago, Rwanda, USA, Nigeria, Germany, Romania, Australia, Gambia, etc. These amazing songs prove that youth don’t care about borders when comes the time to address global challenges. United despite their diversity, the participants committed themselves to ensure the sustainability of our mother earth through their music, while they decided to engage themselves in creating the change they believe in. These entries bring those who take the time to watch them in a wonderful world where a real sustainable world is possible!

The winners on each category of the contest will be chosen through an online voting process which started on March 19th and is happening here. The voting ends on May 18th and the songs which received the top among of votes win the contest. Their authors will perform then in Rio de Janeiro during the Rio+20 Conference where they will also received their awards.rockstar

Regional and National Coordinators of the contest have organized different events in their countries where national winners were invited to perform their songs. Some also performed at many events related to MyCity+20, a youth-led project related to the Rio+20 Conference which already took place in cities like Paris+20, New York+20, Beijing+20, London+20, Boston+20, Yaoundé+20, Vienna+20. With more still to come, these events serve as simulation of Rio+20.

Now it is to global citizens to show their support to The Future We Want and the commitment of children and youth to it. Everyone is encouraged to support the contest by watching the videos online and by voting for the best entries here by the May 18th, 2012 at midnight. The contest winners will be announced on May 19th on the website and media.



 Let the music talk, let the rhythm play, let the world know what the youth have to say.

For more information, please contact:

Jean Paul Brice Affana, Global Coordinator, email: [email protected]

Find the list of our National or/and Regional Coordinators here:

Follow us on Twitter at: @Rio20MusicTalk and join our Facebook network at: Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest


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