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Earth Summit 2012: Vision, Cooperation, Transformation
The world is facing a mounting crisis.In recent years we have experienced a combination of a global financial crisis, a food crisis, volatile oil prices, accelerating ecosystem degradation and an increasing number of climate-induced extreme weather events. These multiple and inter-related crises call into question the ability of a growing human population to live peacefully and sustainably on this planet, and demand the urgent attention governments and citizens around the world.
In 2012 the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) or ‘Rio+20’ will take place in Rio de Janeiro. Also referred to as the Rio+20 Earth Summit, due to the initial conference held in Rio in 1992, the objectives of the Summit are: to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development; to assess progress towards internationally agreed goals on sustainable development and to address new and emerging challenges. The Summit will also focus on two specific themes: a green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development, and an institutional framework for sustainable development. The full text of Resolution A/RES/64/236, which endorsed the Summit is available here
Stakeholder Forum believes that Rio+20 should revive the spirit of previous summits. The Earth Summit offers the opportunity to to harness a collective vision for sustainable development, to foster cooperation around how this can be globally governed and pave the way for the transformation of our economies and societies to support the environment in which we live.
Stakeholder Forum has set up this site as an information hub to provide updates, background information and analysis towards Rio+20. It is intended this site will also act as a platform to connect organisations and stakeholders interested in engaging in the preparatory process. Here you will find ways to get involved in the lead up to the Summit and support global efforts towards achieving sustainable development. You can also find out about Stakeholder Forum’s activities and projects, and how you might be able to get involved in those.