ICSF calls on Rio+20 to focus on both blue and green economies

Similarly, economic values have come to dominate discussions on the green and the blue economies, minimizing the importance of social, cultural and spiritual values inherent in the quest for a sustainable and equitable global society. 

ICSF has put forward the following expectations for the outcome of Rio+20: 

— an emphasis on a human-rights approach towards sustainable use of fisheries 

— exertion of pressure to uphold obligations for fishery governance 

— a recognition of sustainable forms of artisanal and small-scale fisheries 

— promotion of the nutritional security of the poor 

— promotion of extensive and modified extensive aquaculture 

ICSF has also called on Rio+20 to develop plans of implementation, set targets, develop indicators and establish monitoring mechanisms, inter alia, for achieving social goals of sustainable development, especially for sustainable use of natural resources, including fisheries. 

There should be systematic follow-up post-Rio+20 through special sessions. An independent monitoring body may be set up with representation of indigenous and local communities to ensure that funds committed to realize ocean-related goals of sustainable development are utilized in a socially just manner. 

Capacity-building of traditional, local and national institutions as well as State agencies should be undertaken towards better integrating economic, environmental and social pillars of sustainable development, ICSF says. 

Redressal mechanisms may be established in the event of abuse of the human rights of indigenous and local communities, and other legitimate users of natural resources, during the course of implementing sustainable development programmes, ICSF suggests.

In its Inputs to the Compilation Document being prepared for Rio+20, ICSF expresses concern that since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) the dominant model of development has emphasized industrial growth at the expense of the social and environmental components of sustainable development.

Original article published at www.uncsd2012.org

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