Rio+20 leadership event will solidify business recommendations
In order to ensure a unified business voice in Rio and to formally engage with the UN and national governments pre and during Rio+20, the WBCSD has joined forces with the ICC and the UN Global Compact to convene Business Action for Sustainable Development (BASD 2012); a temporary coalition which includes another 10 international sector associations.
The BASD Business Day, June 19 in Rio, will be the headline business event at Rio+20, and will provide a high-profile platform for interaction between business leaders and policy-makers.
The BASD Business Day will bring together governments, businesses, and other stakeholders for a day of open and frank discussion, both addressing the themes of the Rio+20 conference and looking beyond the conference itself to future opportunities to address the challenges of sustainable development. During the Business Day, we will identify key actions and catalysts to drive scale in sustainable development, as a final input to the Rio+20 conference from the business community, and with an eye toward collaborative action by government, business and other stakeholders’ going forward.
The program for the Business Day will feature CEOs, government leaders and experts from around the globe, addressing a variety of issues in plenary sessions, industry sector discussions and issue-specific forums. All of these sessions will highlight business solutions being delivered, commitments to action, and the impediments to achieving scale in sustainable development efforts. We will pay particular attention to complex system solutions required to achieve scale in sustainable development, and the roles of different stakeholders in these solutions.
Pre-registration for the Business Day is open at until May 11, 2012. Please appreciate that due to limited availability we might not be able to accommodate all requests.
Original article published at