Sustainable Development Goals: Building the foundation for an inclusive process
Stakeholder Forum with the support of Christian Aid, WWF, IIED, Practical Action, Progressio, CAFOD and Friends of the Earth have produced the following paper on Sustainable Development Goals. A potential outcome of Rio+20 is the launch of Sustainable Development Goals, which would guide the international sustainable development agenda, and serve as a vital contribution to the successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals after they expire in 2015. The information of this report is based on a review of relevant literature – especially regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the MDGs framework and the implementation of the UN-led post-MDG process; interviews with representatives of organisations whose Zero Draft submissions made explicit recommendations on or for SDGs and/or involved in the current SDGs process; a global survey responded by 410 individuals representing a diversity of organizations (mainly NGOs) based in different regions, and a stakeholder workshop in London.
The objective of this paper is to synthesise current information and views froma diverse range of stakeholders on key issues around Sustainable Development Goals and their connection with other processes such as the Millennium Development Goals Review and the Post 2015 process. The aim is to inform the discussions around this topic among UK internaitonal development organizations and others who are engaging these processes.
To download the document click here.