Stakeholder Forum at the Commission on Sustainable Development 18, 3rd – 14th May 2010
Stakeholder Forum is organising and promoting a number of events at the 18th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development in New York from 3rd – 14th May 2010:
Sustainability and the Millennium Development Goals
Thursday 13th May
1.15pm, Conference Room D, UNHQ
This will be the only side event linking together the UN CSD and the 10 year review of the Millennium Development Goals in September 2010. The event will look in particular at how Sustainable Consumption and Production and the promotion of a green economy can help to advance the achievement environmental sustainability (Goal 7) in addition to all the other MDGs.
The event will also seek to promote discussion on how the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012 can be used as a platform to enhance commitments on ‘greening’ the MDGs and making any post-2015 MDG commitments more sustainable.
Partnering for sustainable agriculture and food production: exploring the links between nutrient management, climate change and dead zones
Tuesday 4th May 2010
13:15pm, ECOSOC Chamber, UNHQ
Excess use and inefficient nutrient management practices can and do contribute to e.g. climate change, harmful algal blooms, and hypoxic dead zones. This Special Event, hosted by the Government of the U.S.A and the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM), will promote informed dialogue on the role of nutrient management in sustainable agricultural and food production by providing information on good practices, training opportunities and the possibilities for action.
Stakeholder Forum is helping to promote this event as part of its stakeholder engagement and communications work with the GPA. For a full agenda please visit: