Side Event at UNEP Governing Council, Nairobi

Stakeholder Forum will host a side event on Global Governance for Sustainable Development at the UNEP Governing Council on Tuesday 22nd February.

A number of papers on governance issues will be launched at the side event, as a contribution to the ongoing debate on the institutional framework for sustainable development towards Rio+20.

sdgsideeventflyerweb-1A number of papers on governance issues will be launched at the side event, as a contribution to the ongoing debate on the institutional framework for sustainable development towards Rio+20.

Speakers Include:

Dr. Maria Ivanova, Assistant Professor of Global Governance,
University of Massachusetts Boston

Carole Excell, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute

Philippa Drew CB, International Governments Co-Director, ICE Coalition

Peter Bates, Science Officer, Environment and Sustainable Development, ICSU

Jan Gustav Strandeneas, Senior Adviser, ANPED

To download a flyer click here.


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