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Making Rio+20 Plastic Free

Use no single-use plastic at Rio+20 to show the world we walk the talk. Refuse plastic straws, caps, cups, utensils, plates and water bottles. 

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Volunteer Action Counts

The campaign gives volunteers like yourself, along with communities and organizations, a chance to show what you are doing for the future of our planet and generations to come. The results of all these...

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global-rockstar: Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest

    Global Rockstar presents the Global Youth Music Contest (GYMC) organized by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) by embedding video links from YouTube and Vimeo...

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Youth take over Rio+20: My City+20

This project is aimed at mobilizing the youth world over, educating them on the urgency of sustainable development issues and encouraging them to involve themselves in the negotiation process of Rio+20. We want to...

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Rio + Vos is not an institution, not bosses, or bosses. Rio+Vos is an awareness campaign, a youth movement for those who feel young, is the desire to change, to participate, to scream, to...

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Pledge for a Better Planet

The excessive use of the earth’s resources is currently unsustainable and is adversely affecting all future life. Pledge for a Better Planet is a petition that aims to apply pressure on the world’s leaders...

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UNICEF: Speak up for Children

Right now, one million children are at risk from severe malnutrition in West Africa. Every day, millions more children wake up to hunger, a lack of clean water or are at risk from disasters...

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Earth Summit Watch

In June, Brazil will host one of the largest and most important gatherings in the history of the United Nations. Marking the anniversary of the first Earth Summit held there in 1992, the Rio+20...

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A Date with History

The ‘Date With History’ contest is an opportunity for young people around the globe to inspire the leaders of the world to act boldly and with urgency on key issues impacting the future of...

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The Future We Want

The Future We Want is a global initiative to move beyond negative visions of the future and focus on the sustainability solutions that are ready to be implemented by 2030.