Category: General Major Group
Agenda 21: Chapter 29 – Strengthening the role of workers and their trade unions 29.1. Efforts to implement sustainable development will involve adjustments and opportunities at the national and enterprise levels, with workers foremost...
Agenda 21: Chapter 31 – Involvement of scientific and technological community 31.1. The present chapter focuses on how to enable the scientific and technological community – which includes, among others, engineers, architects, industrial designers,...
Agenda 21: Chapter 27 – Non-Governmental organisations as partners for sustainable development 27.1. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in the shaping and implementation of participatory democracy. Their credibility lies in the responsible and...
Agenda 21: Chapter 28 – Local Authorities’ Initiatives in Support of Agenda 21 28.1. Because so many of the problems and solutions being addressed by Agenda 21 have their roots in local activities, the...
Agenda 21: Chapter 26 – Recognising and strengthening the Role of Indigenous People and Their Communities 26.1. Indigenous people and their communities have a historical relationship with their lands and are generally descendants of...
Agenda 21: Chapter 32 – Strengthening the role of farmers 32.1. Agriculture occupies one third of the land surface of the Earth, and is the central activity for much of the world’s population. Rural...
Agenda 21: Chapter 25 – Advancing the role of youth in the protection of the environment and the promotion of economic and social development 25.1. Youth comprise nearly 30 per cent of the world’s...
Agenda 21: Chapter 30 – Strengthening the role of business and Industry in sustainable development 30.1. Business and industry, including transnational corporations, play a crucial role in the social and economic development of a...
Agenda 21: Chapter 24 – Global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development 24.1. The international community has endorsed several plans of action and conventions for the full, equal and beneficial integration of...
The Organising Partners system allows the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) to consult with major groups in a timely fashion during preparatory phases and to organise multi-stakeholder participation. The organisations serving as Organising...