High-Level Dialogue on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
19 Jul 2011 – 21 Jul 2011
Solo, Indonesia
A high level dialogue on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development was organized by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Rio+20 Secretariat. The outcome of this dialogue, which was held in Solo, Indonesia, during 19-21 July, 2011, will contribute to preparations for the Rio+20 Conference.
The purpose of this dialogue was to have a frank and open high-level discussions on the options for strengthening the institutional framework for sustainable development, with a view to progress towards formulating concrete proposals which could be taken up for consideration and possible adoption at Rio+20. The high level dialogue brought together a wide range of stakeholders with portfolios in sustainable development, with a view to advancing a common understanding of and agreement on substantially improved arrangements for sustainable development governance at all levels.