Funders Delegation
What Happens on Monday? : Invitation to Join the Dialogue
We have learned from the past twenty years that with all best intentions one thousand flowers bloom – however, they do not all always survive. When plans are made and objectives set – by all stakeholders, government and non-governmental alike – the means to implement them are less than clearly defined, and often individual groups of stakeholders are left to their own devices to work as best they can to translate the international agreements into meaningful and tangible action on the ground. To carry forth the momentum from Rio+20, on the final day of Rio +20, Friday 22 June, Stakeholder Forum invites you to join a session focussing on ‘What happens on Monday?’ This will bring together a diversity of players to engage in multi-stakeholder networking, information sharing, and interactive dialogue on a successful post-Rio agenda and work plan. The objective of the session will not be to define and outline timetables or set plans in motion; instead, it will be designed to build on the momentum created in Rio to channel the energy of stakeholders into determining how to collaborate to make the most effective plans for the first fifteen month post-Rio – from June 2012 to September 2015.
What is Rio about? : Presentation by Felix Dodds
Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum Felix Dodds’s overview of Rio+20 outlines the main themes at Rio+20, which are Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development, Review of previous commitments, and New Emerging issues. These are also not just negotiations, but there will also be a three-day dialogue on ten themes including energy, forests as well as the Peoples Forum.
Here you will find a detailed diary of the events happening during Rio+20. These include for example TedxRio+20, Conference of Youth for Rio+20, Forum on Social Entrepreneurship and the new economy, Trade Union Assembly on Labour and Environment, International Society for Ecological Economics conference, Women Leaders’ Forum, Water Day, and Peoples Permanent Assembly.
For the online diary, please click here.
Conference Venue and Map
Rio+20: 193 UN Member States, 100 – 120 Heads of State or Government High Level Representatives of the United Nations System, 50,000 accredited participants. Find below the Brazilian Government’s presentation on the conference logistics and general information, including a description of the venue and location of the conference.
Invitation to join the Sustainable Development Dialogues
The Government of Brazil and the UN are organizing the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Dialogues, consisting of two elements. The first will involve facilitators from international academic and research institutions leading online discussions on ten themes at the heart of sustainable development. The second will involve presenting the top recommendations to the Sustainable Development Dialogues session and to the Heads of State and Government gathering at the Rio+20 Conference in Rio de Janeiro, June 16-19. UNDP is interested in learning how development can become an inclusive process – this is an experiment in how this can happen. It is not to distract from the outcome document, but UNDP recommends on seeing three main outcomes from Rio+20: 1.’The Future We Want’ outcome document, 2. Recommendations from the Rio SD Dialogues, and 3. Voluntary commitments from different stakeholders.
Courses are now available on the Rio+20 website. To sign-up for a course click here.
The Global Transition 2012 is an international network of organizations and leading thinkers from the Global North and South. It is catalyzing a ‘Global Transition’ by building a community of civil society organizations across the globe to promote and deliver a rapid transition to the desirable and beneficial economy that we aspire to. See online here.
Dialogue on a Convention for Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Accounting (CSRA)
The Dialogue on a Convention on Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability is a joint initiative of Stakeholder Forum and Vitae Civilis aiming to secure commitment for a Convention on Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20) by engaging representatives of the North and South. See online here.
National Councils for Sustainable Development (NCSD)
The purpose of The Stakeholder Forum and Finland Ministry of Environment initiative is to build a global network of national councils to engender engagement of Agenda 21, the JPOI and the forthcoming Rio+ 20 outcomes in countries around the world. See online here.
Outreach is a multi-stakeholder publication on climate change and sustainable development produced by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future. Outreach has been produced since 1997 at various international meetings on the environment. See Online here.
In-Depth Analysis: A Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance
As the ‘institutional framework for sustainable development’ has been identified as one of the two core themes for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD 2012), this guide aims to provide necessary background information on global sustainable development governance to allow both governmental and non-governmental stakeholders to familiarize themselves with key issues more comprehensively. Read online here.
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