Category: beta
Principles for the green economy
Stakeholder Forum in collaboration with Bioregional and the Earth Charter Initiative have produced a paper which consolidates a range of principles for the green economy, building on existing agreements and also emerging recommendations. The...
Outreach magazine at Rio+20
Invitation for articles We will be publishing daily editions of Outreach at Rio+20 from 13th to 22nd June and we would like to invite all stakeholders to contribute articles. As before, we will be shaping each...
Discussion papers on Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability
The Rio+20 negotiations are bringing an opportunity to discuss some aspects of the accountability of corporations by calling governments to implement a global framework for corporate sustainability reporting. This would require large companies to...
Outreach Magazine-Invitation for Articles
Stakeholder Forum will be publishing its Outreach magazine at the third round of ‘informal informal’ negotiations on the Outcome Document, 29th May – 2nd June, in New York and invites you to contribute material to...
Funders Delegation
What Happens on Monday? : Invitation to Join the Dialogue We have learned from the past twenty years that with all best intentions one thousand flowers bloom – however, they do not all always...
Mapping the Green Economy
The following interactive map and website have been produced as part of the Global Transition 2012 project to map out the transition to a new economy.
Green Economy
The Green Economy in the context of Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development is one of the key themes to be addressed by the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012. This section of the...