Japanese National Preparatory Committee for Rio +20

“Japanese National Preparatory Committee for Rio +20″ was launched and the first meeting was held on July 13, 2011. The committee consisting of 43 members was established to promote dialogue between stakeholders, in particular those from the 9 major groups mentioned in Agenda 21.

Dr. Hiroshi Komiyama (Former President of the University of Tokyo and Chairman of the Institute, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.) and Ms. Yuko Sakita (President of a NPO, GENKI Net for Creating a Sustainable Society) were appointed as Co-Chairs of the preparatory committee.

The committee members will share information and exchange views on the issues of Rio +20 in order to provide Japanese stakeholders’ inputs and contributions for a compilation document which is to serve as basis for the preparation for zero draft of the Rio+20 outcome document.

The second meeting of the committee is scheduled on August 23, 2011. The committee will organize two workshops on Rio +20 in autumn with attendance of people in general interested in Rio + 20. The first workshop is scheduled on September 1, 2011. The first workshop is intended to collect a wide range of opinions from various stakeholders.

Originally published at uncsd2012.org

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