“Making Marginalized Voices Heard in the UN Processes” in Rovaniemi, Finland, 11-12 November 2011
Conference “Making Marginalized Voices Heard in the UN Processes”
Date: 11 & 12 November 2011
Venue: University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
Organizers: Citizens’ Global Platform (CGP) http://www.globalplatform.fi/ , UN Association of Finland
Conference themes include
- Rio+20: Taking stock of sustainable development
- Climate policy at the crossroads of science, politics and policy making from the perspective of indigenous peoples’ participation
- Citizen participation
- Local environmental changes, sustainable livelihoods and marginalized groups
- Gender and climate change
The themes are addressed through a variety of keynote speeches, a high-level panel and various workshops led by experts. Representatives of the CGP in Finland, Tanzania, India and Brazil will also share their insights with the audience. Below is the preliminary conference programme.
The cost for participation is 100 euro. This fee includes accommodation (one night) in a room shared with one another participant, meals and coffee during the conference and evening programme.
In addition to the confence, a pre-confence trip to Inari, Northern Lapland, will be organized for interested conference participants 8 – 10 November. Sites to be visited include, among others, the Sámi Education Institute SOGSAKK, Sámi radio and the Sámi Museum and Nature Centre SIIDA. The trip costs 200 euro, which includes accommodation (three nights), travels from Rovaniemi, meals during the trip and the visits.
Registration: Register online at http://www.ykliitto.fi/registration2011 . The registration form will close 15 September. More detailed information on the conference, practical arrangements and details about the pre-conference trip to Inari can be found on the same webpage.
Preliminary Programme:
Friday 11 November 2011
8.30 – 10.00 Registration and coffee/tea
10.00 Welcoming words
10.15 Parallel sessions
Group A: The Finnish UN Days of Youth and Students: Working at the UN
Group B: Presentation of Citizens Global Platform’s report and discussion
12.30 Lunch
13.30 High-Level Panel: Rio+20: Taking Stock of Sustainable Development (includes a coffee break)
17.00 End of the first day
Evening programme options:
18.00 BBC documentary films from the “Arctic Desert” series at Arctic Fury Media and Film Festival, Arktikum
19.00 Reception organized by the city of Rovaniemi
20.30 Casual get-together at the local restaurant
Saturday 12 November 2011
9.15 Opening words
9.30 Working groups
Group A: Climate policy at the crossroads of science, politics and policy-making from the perspective of indigenous peoples’ participation
Tero Mustonen: Climate policy, science and the role of indigenous climate observations
Anna Stammler-Gossman: Translating vulnerability
Group B: Citizen participation
Sauli Rouhinen: Lessons learnt from the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development
Anne Nuorgam: Do Sámi NGOs have influence on international and national politics?
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Working groups (includes a coffee break)
Group A: Local environmental changes, sustainable livelihoods and marginalized groups
Pekka Aikio: Sámi reindeer herding and sustainable development
Mika Flöjt: Sokli phosphate mine plans: Impacts on the local people and environment
Group B: Gender and climate change
Solveig Joks: Sámi women in reindeer herding and climate change
Other speaker to be confirmed
15.50 Working groups’ presentations
16.30 Closing remarks