UNCSD Adds Online Submission Option for Compilation Document
The Secretariat for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) has added a new option for submitting input to the compilation document that will lead to the draft Outcome Document. It is now possible to submit input online through the UNCSD website.
The second session of the UNCSD Preparatory Committee (PrepCom II) invited States and other stakeholders to provide their inputs and contributions in writing by 1 November 2011. The resulting compilation document will serve as the basis for preparing the zero draft of the outcome document. The zero draft will be presented for discussion in January 2012, beginning a series of negotiations on the outcome document leading to the UNCSD in June 2012. The co-Chairs formally issued a request for input to the compilation document on 14 March 2011, and in July released a guidance note to support States and other stakeholders in responding to the invitation.
In addition to sending input by email, fax, or regular mail to the UNCSD Secretariat, it now can be submitted online following a sign-in process. Member States are invited to share their preparatory meetings and news; UN entities are invited to upload relevant publications and background papers/special studies, as well to share their preparatory meetings and news; and Major Groups are invited to share their preparatory work, whether as an Organizing Partner or another organization.
Submissions can be made via: http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?page=view&type=12&nr=238&menu=32
Orginally published at uncsd2012.org