Stakeholders in the US meet to discuss a Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012
July 2009: Meetings were held throughout July in Washington DC to bring together a range of stakeholders to discuss and share ideas on the possible focus of a Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012. International NGO Justice and Sustainability held a meeting on 6th July, which was followed by a meeting on 7th July hosted by US-based Natural Resources Defence Council.
Stakeholder Forum Executive Director Felix Dodds and NRDC Director of International Program, Jacob Sheer, both presented on the need for an Earth Summit in 2012. Jacob Sheer pointed out the ‘implementation gap’ of international commitments on sustainable development, highlighting the failure to reduce unsustainable consumption and pollution in the industrialised world, as well as inadequate support for international sustainable development institutions and foreign assistance. He presented an Earth Summit in 2012 as an opportunity to address the lack of progress, and boost political will and improve governance to implement commitments.
Felix Dodds outlined discussions and progress towards a possible Earth Summit in 2012 to date, providing an overview of the Donostia Declaration, Brazil’s submission to the UN Secretary General as well as elaborating on some of the possible themes for an Earth sUmmit – including sustainable development governance and the green economy. In his presentation, Felix Dodds called for US stakeholders to ‘start a country-wide conversation on how to create a green economy’.
Links and Downloads
Presentation by Jacob Sheer, Head of International Program, NRDC
Presentation by Felix Dodds, Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum