International Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development: Background Paper for the Ministerial Consultations’
Joint Inspection Unit Report and UNEP Executive Director Response
The UN Joint Inspection Unit addresses issues of system-wide organisation within the UN. In 2008 it undertook a management review of environmental governance within the UN system. The report contains 12 recommendations covering coherence of multilateral agreements and institutions; the institutional architecture required to implement international environmental policies; management and operationalization of the policies and decisions; and coordination of the effective implementation of international environmental governance decisions at the country level. The Executive Director has provided a number of responses to the JIU report, contained in: Comments by the Executive Director on the management review of environmental governance within the United Nations system carried out by the Joint Inspection Unit: Note by the Executive Director : UNEP/GCSS.XI/5
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)
A section of the background paper is dedicated to highlighting the decision made by GA Resolution 64/236 of 24 December 2009 to hold a UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012. The paper draws attention to the themes that will be covered by the conference, and also that the preparatory committee will be established under the framework of the Commission on Sustainable Development. It also recalls the request for the Secretary General to submit to th first Prepartory Committee for the Conference a report on progress to date and major gaps in the implementation of the outcome of the major Summits on Sustainable Development.
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