World Summit of Legislators, GLOBE international
25 May 2012 – 27 May 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Strong support was given by the Mayor of Rio and the Government of Brazil for GLOBE to host the first World Summit of Legislators to be held in Rio on the weekend of the 25th – 27th May 2012. The Legislators Summit will deliberately take place on the weekend prior to the Rio+20 World Summit. This event is not part of the summit outreach but a new international process for the world’s legislators that will be initiated to compliment the governmental process and the rekindling of the original objectives of Rio some 20 years previous. The Summit will seek to place national legislation, natural capital and scrutiny at the heart of implanting the Rio agenda. The event will be attended by heads of Senates/Congresses/Parliaments.
For more information click here.
Article originally published at