Climate Action Network-International
The changing climate, with its associated impacts on the environment, economies, social welfare and human lives, is one of the strongest indicators of our unsustainable development path, which Rio+20 must address.
Rio+20 will be an important opportunity for:
• increasing the overall ambition of political commitments on climate change;
• promoting actions and accountability in areas such as the green economy and post-MDG framework that are inseparable from climate change;
• strengthening sustainable development governance structures to include stronger implementation, compliance and enforcement mechanisms including strengthening transparency, citizen engagement and accountability (reflected in Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration) mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels;
• strengthening international governance structures to include stronger implementation, compliance and enforcement mechanisms
• governments, businesses and civil society to agree to practical steps at the local, national and global level that address climate change (both mitigation and adaptation); • ensure that principles of fairness and equity – based on the original 1992 Rio Earth Summit declaration of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ (CBDR) – are central to sustainable development.
To read the full submission document click here