Category: Milestones to Rio+20
There were a number of key events and milestones in the run-up to the UN General Assembly Resolution that called for the Summit in December 2009. As Stakeholder Forum advocated strongly for a Summit and was involved in many of the discussions leading to the resolution, we made a record of the key moments.
25th September 2007: Standing before the United Nations General Assembly one day after the High Level Event on Climate Change, the President of Brazil proposed convening in 2012 a World Summit on the environment,...
6th– 7th Sept 2009: In a statement issued after a State visit by France to Brazil on 6th – 7th September 2009, Nicolas Sarkozy has announced France’s support for an Earth Summit in 2012....
21st September 2009: In a joint letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy have suggested that the ‘broad lines of agreement’ for Copenhagen need to be ‘clarified’....
26 September 2008: In a speech given at the U.N. General Assembly, Prime Minister Han Seung-soo proposed that South Korea host the proposed ‘Rio+20’ Earth Summit in 2012. He highlighted the important strategic role...
29th September 2009: A number of prominent civil society organisations have come together to deliver a letter to President Obama urging him to support the current proposal before the United Nations to host an...
27 October 2008: In a statement to the Second Committee of the UN Assembly, the Group of 77 (G77) and China expressed their firm support for a Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012. Highlighting the...
1st – 2nd October 2009: Together with the European Economic and Social Committee, Stakeholder Forum hosted a two-day multi-stakeholder conference on Earth Summit 2012 in Brussels. It was the first major event to be...
4th November 2008: Antigua and Barbuda as Chair of the G77 has tabled a draft resolution for the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly calling for a World Summit in 2012. The resolution...
6th October 2009: In a joint statement from the Third European Union-Brazil Summit in Stockholm, the EU has welcomed the Brazilian Government’s offer to host a United Nations high-level event on sustainable development in Rio de...
11th November 2008: The Brazilian government has released a Concept Paper outlining the kinds of issues to be addressed by a possible Rio+2O Earth Summit in 2012. The paper emphasises the need to promote...