Category: SDG2012

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Information and Resources

Sustainable development governance is a complex issue, and its prominence on the agenda for Rio+20 represents a milestone in a historic and evolving process to make institutions and governance structures at all levels fit...

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Submissions Based on the think-pieces and the discussions undertaken through the sdg2012 network, Stakeholder Forum has made submissions to the preparatory process for Rio+20, as well as external processes such as the UNEP Consultative...

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SDG2012 is Stakeholder Forum’s programme on Sustainable Development Governance (SDG) towards Rio+20. The programme seeks to make a contribution to one of the two main themes identified for Rio+20 – the institutional framework for...

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SDG2012: Network and Info

SDG2012 Network Stakeholder Forum is inviting a diversity of stakeholders globally who are experts in sustainable development governance to join our sdg2012 network. The network brings together those who have contributed to the think...

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SDG2012: Think Pieces

New: Sustainable Development Councils at National and Sub-National Levels Stimulating Informed Debate: Stocktaking By Ingeborg Niestroy,Secretary General, European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) The article captures the diffusion of Sustainable Development Councils...

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SDG2012: Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership As part of the SDG2012 programme Stakeholder Forum wrote and commissioned a series of think pieces on sustainable development governance. The think pieces focus on a range of issues, including: • The...