Information and Resources
Sustainable development governance is a complex issue, and its prominence on the agenda for Rio+20 represents a milestone in a historic and evolving process to make institutions and governance structures at all levels fit for purpose. Many stakeholders, and even many government representatives, are not necessarily familiar with the history of the global debate on sustainable development governance, and may not be fully aware of some of the most important developments.
To help stakeholders at all levels to familiarise themselves with this theme, Stakeholder Forum is producing a number of resources that will help to demystify SDG and make in accessible to a broader range of actors. This includes:
Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance, 2nd Edition
This guide was jointly initiated by Stakeholder Forum and the Commonwealth Secretariat in response to the perceived ‘knowledge gap’ on the history and dynamics of global governance for sustainable development. A first edition was published in 2011 and this second edition was updated in February 2012. To download the 2nd Edition guide as a PDF click here.
Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance
This guide, published in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, provides an overview of the concepts, proposals, processes and significant milestones on sustainable development governance at the global level. It is available to download as a PDF here.
SDG Dossier
SDG Dossier will provide an online clearing-house for all information relating to global SDG and IEG. It will build on and replace Stakeholder Forum’s IEG dossier, and will provide regular updates on all relevant developments and events relating to SDG. The dossier will include a dedicated list-serve where stakeholders can subscribe for regular updates.