Choosing Our Future: Open and Participatory Sustainable Development Governance
When: Tuesday, June, 19, 2012
Time: 8:30-5:30
Where: Fundacao Getulio Vargas Praia de Botafogo, 190Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Focus: Highlight governance commitments from around the world, develop an agenda of good governance reforms for the coming decade and advance ideas on how to build legal frameworks at the national, regional and international levels to implement Principle 10
The Access Initiative in partnership with the European Environmental Bureau, Article 19, UNEP, Stakeholder Forum, UNECE, The European Environmental Agency, UNITAR, The World Future Council, The Inspection Panel, INECE, Fundaco Getulio Vargas, The World Resources Institute and the Regional Environmental Center is organizing Rio+20’s biggest governance event on June 19th.
For registration and event information click here.
For the event’s agenda click here.
For additional information click here.
We hope to see you there!