The functions of a sustainable development mechanism in ECOSOC or in a Council

Discussion_paper_imageBroadly speaking, there are basically two options available to meet the challenges of strengthening the institutional framework on sustainable development at UN level. These are the reform of ECOSOC or the establishment of a Sustainable Development Council. However putting these two options aside for now, the mechanism established will have to incorporate and be based on the same functions operating with the same mechanisms. Therefore, focusing on functions first will aid in determining what form of body is most effective. Given the history of sustainable development in the UN, and the global issues we face, effectiveness is now more important than ever.

This paper can be read in English, Spanish and French.

La traducción de esta nota informativa fue hecha posible gracias al generoso aporte de la Unión Europea, la cual ha destinado fondos para asegurar una participación efectiva de todas las partes interesadas en el proceso de Rio+20. Documenta es aqui.

La traduction de cette note a été rendue possible grâce au généreux soutien de l’Union européenne, qui a réservé des fonds pour assurer la participation effective de toutes les parties prenantes dans le processus de Rio +20. Cliquez ici pour lire le document.

The translation of this guide was made possible by the generous support of the European Union, DG Environment, which has provided funds to ensure representative, informed, enhanced and broadened participation and engagement of all stakeholders in the Rio+20 Earth Summit process. To read the document click here.



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