NGOs submit: Rio 2012 Conference – The Explanatory Roadmap to Rio + 20
The NGO major groups have prepared this document to help guide stakeholders interested in contributing to the final outcome document of the Rio + 20 Conference.
An agenda helps frame the issues and focus actions. The question should be raised – by whom is the agenda framed and made? Civil society and major Groups can help frame the structure, and thus make sure their voices and concerns are heard and noted. Most importantly, the structure of the document will help frame the actions programmes that need to be outlined and agreed to as the follow up to Rio + 20. All Major Groups are now formally invited into the discussion, to contribute to and influence the final outcome document.
The document highlights what is in the Rio + 20 Resolution, how to tie the contributions from the Major Groups to the agenda points, what to look out for and what not to do. A brief overview of the two most important agenda points the Green Economy and the Institutional Framework is made, and further references are posted.
A Road Map complete with dates, places and status of the meeting is given, and finally a suggested structure for the Rio + 20 Outcome Document is drawn up as an example and food for thoughts.
The UN with the Bureau which is responsible for the process and its content has made a unique decision to open the process to the world and ask for its contributions. The UN is however an intergovernmental system based on rules, regulations and procedure. While not difficult to understand, it often takes some experience to contextualise the various decisions made. To help our constituencies to be effective and correct in responding to the invitation by the UN to contribute to the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document for the Rio + 20 Conference, as Organising Partners for the nine Major Groups, we have composed the following contextual interpretation of the decisions as a guide to interact with the UN on the Rio + 20 outcome document.
To view the document click here.