The Green Economy 101; So what’s it all about?

Have you been wondering about this new concept of a ‘green economy’?  And, whether it really offers anything new?  And, how far we are from one?  And, what needs to change for us to get there?  And, above all, can a green economy really deliver all that it promises?

HIMAG0031ere at Stakeholder Forum, we wanted to tackle all of these questions and more.  So, we sat down with Tim Jenkins, who manages the Great Transition Initiatives work at the New Economics Foundation including the development of a new economic model, Victor Anderson, Senior Economist at WWF and author of Alternative Indicators and Manager of Prosperity without growth, and Phillip Pearson, Senior Policy Officer at the Trade Union Councils Economic and Social Affairs Department, to get their take on this emerging concept.


“It’s the way in which the economy develops and delivers. So we’re actually talking about massive change in the infrastructure within countries, about how that is delivered, and the ways in which we do things. It really is a huge transition of what’s going to happen within the economy.” – Tim Jenkins (NEF)

Internet Explorer Users please use this link to listen to the podcast:  The Green Economy 101; So What’s It All About? by Earthsummit2012 on Mixcloud


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