sdg2012 programme launches two think-pieces on sustainable development governance at Rio+20 intersessional

10th January 2011: As part of its sdg2012 programme , Stakeholder Forum launched two think-pieces at the first intercessional meeting that took place from Mon 10th – Tues 11th January at the UN Headquarters in New York. The think pieces were presented at a side event at the UN on Monday evening, which was attended by almost 100 people.

You can download the think-pieces below, and to find out more about Stakeholder Forum’s sdg2012 programme on sustainable development governance, please click here.


Sustainable Development Governance towards Rio+20: Framing the Debate

By Jan-Gustav Strandeneas, for Stakeholder Forum


This paper outlines the history of global governance for sustainable development, charting some of the significant milestones and also identifying the challenges to progress and reform. It outlines some recommendations for taking forward sustainable development in the UN system, and stresses the need for immediate and ambitious reform.



Global Governance in the 21st Century:  Rethinking the Environmental Pillar

sdg2012ivanova-1By Dr Maria Ivanova, University of Massachusetts


This paper addresses the need for reform of the environmental pillar of sustainable development at the global level, and responds to the recent developments from the UNEP Consultative Group of Ministers and High Level Representatives on IEG reform. Dr Ivanova outlines the contours of the current IEG reform debate, and juxtaposes them with some of the underlying challenges in addressing environmental issues globally. Whilst reform options represent a signifiant step in the right direction, more fundamental reform is needed to advance environmental objectives globally.

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