ICE Coalition & Stakeholder Forum Rio +20 Conference With support from DLA Piper

Date: Wednesday 26th October 2011


Prior to the deadline for submissions into the final outcome document of the ‘Rio+20’ summit known as the ‘zero draft’, the ICE Coalition and Stakeholder Forum hosted an all day conference to provide an opportunity for different groups to discuss their proposals and seek support for them.  It allowed distinguished speakers to stimulate further discussion on the two themes at Rio, the green economy and the institutional framework of sustainable development; and allow for the ICE Coalition to show how an International Court for the Environment would complement the institutional framework for sustainable development.

Conference Objectives

To provide an opportunity for discussion around the themes of the Rio 2012 summit, in particular

  • To provide a forum for distinguished speakers from a range of backgrounds and professionalisms to stimulate discussion on the Rio 2012 themes
  • To enable UK NGOs concerned about the outcomes of the Rio 2012 summit to seek support for their contributions to UN zero draft
  • To launch the BOND DEG contribution to the UN zero draft for Rio 2012
  • To build a wider understanding of the importance of the Rio 2012 summit.
  • For the ICE Coalition to garner support for the proposal for an International Court for the Environment


A wide range of representatives of the UK Government and Parliament, environment and development NGOs, environmental lawyers and business/industry leaders with an interest in environmental issues attended the conference.

For more information please download the conference summary notes and speaker presentations below:

For Conference Summary Notes click here.


Panel Session: NGOs discuss their policy priorities for Rio with time for discussion and questions and opportunities for participants to sign up to the policy narratives that they support.


Other Supporting Documents:

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