Outreach magazine at Rio+20

Invitation for articles

We will be publishing daily editions of Outreach at Rio+20 from 13th to 22nd June and we would like to invite all stakeholders to contribute articles.  As before, we will be shaping each edition around a series of themes, which are listed below along with the deadlines for content and publishing dates.


Content Deadline – 5pm BRT (GMT-3) 

Publishing Date


3rd Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Monday, 11th June 

Wednesday, 13th June

Where we are now/IFSD

Tuesday, 12th June 

Thursday, 14th June


Wednesday, 13th June 

Friday, 15th June

Green Economy

Sustainable Development Dialogues

16 Jun 2012 – 19 Jun 2012

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Thursday, 14th June 

Saturday, 16th June

Major Groups

Friday, 15th June 

Sunday, 17th June


Saturday, 16th June 

Monday, 18th June

Food & Agriculture

Sunday, 17th June 

Tuesday, 19th June

Water & Energy

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Monday, 18th June 

Wednesday, 20th June

Private Sector

Tuesday, 19th June 

Thursday, 21st June


Wednesday, 20th June 

Friday, 22nd June

Beyond Rio / What Happens onMonday

Articles should be 550-700 words in length and should reflect the state of the Rio+20 negotiations on the topic.

Please contact the Outreach Editors if you are interested in contributing, or if you have any questions:

Just in case you are unfamiliar, Outreach is the only stakeholder news magazine distributed directly to delegates and attendees in the run-up and at the Rio+20 Conference. Produced at various international meetings on the environment since 1997, Outreach aims to empower stakeholders and provide space for debates and discourses on topics being negotiated at intergovernmental meetings.

In the run-up to Rio+20, Outreach has provided an essential platform for stakeholder dialogue, informing both delegates and those following the Rio process.  We have published articles, interviews and profiles from the leading thinkers involved in Rio+20 and recorded podcasts from key discussions at side events.  Each daily edition is shaped around a theme discussed in Rio, allowing for more targeted coverage and diverse discussions on each topic.

Advertising in Outreach

Advertising space is available in Outreach throughout Rio+20 and this can be used for events or programmes relating to Rio+20.  Banners need to be provided in a black and white, high resolution jpeg format, with the diameter of: (w) 210 mm x (h) 75 mm.  Banners cost US $500 per slot.  For more information please contact Georgie ([email protected]).

Be PaperSmart: Read Outreach Online outreacweblink

inf3day2qremailRio+20 will be a ‘PaperSmart’ conference so we are encouraging our readers to move online and access Outreach on our newsly optimised website: www.stakeholderforum.org/sf/outreach or download each daily edition using a Quick Response (QR) code displayed here.

4 easy steps to using the Quick Response (QR) Code

1. Download a QR code reader on your phone or tablet

2. Open the QR code reader

3. Scan the QR code with the camera on your device

4. Outreach PDF will automatically download to your phone or tablet

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