Global Transition
Stakeholder Forum and the new economics foundation (nef) are forming an exciting partnership to build an international movement for a ‘Global Transition’ towards Rio+20.
The partnership will involve building a coalition of actors across North and South to outline a vision for a Global Transition that will inspire decision-makers to take action and deliver change. This represents a unique contribution to the thematic focus of Earth Summit 2012 on the Green Economy in the context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication.
As the Global Transition 2012 project evolves, more information will be posted up on this website, but you can expect the following:
Research and Thinking – reports and think-pieces outlining the critical elements of a Global Transition
Policy and Advocacy – policy briefing papers, events, workshops and lectures
Media and Campaigns – a global campaign to build an international movement of citizens and stakeholders calling for a Global Transition
Coming soon: